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    XBTS infrastructure upgrade
    XBTS has been upgrading its wallet infrastructure to provide better efficiency and fund security for its users.

    Updating deposit addresses is part of an ongoing upgrade.

    ✅Updated deposit addresses for Bitcoin [BTC]
    ✅Updated deposit addresses for Dash [DASH]

    New deposit addresses for BTC and Dash are now available for XBTS/BitShares accounts on XBTS DeFi app https://app.xbts.io/ or XBTS DEX website https://ex.xbts.io/.
    ❗️Old BTC and DASH addresses will not be supported.

    Please note:
    Funds deposited to old addresses are safe and will not be lost. Please note that deposits made to old addresses will not be automatically credited.

    ➕We will soon announce updates regarding address changes for native altcoins: ZEC , DOGE, LTC, and BCH.

    Addresses for the BSC, ETH, Hive and EOS networks will not be updated.

    XBTS Cross-Chain Dex & DeFi
    Safely! Instantly! Simply!